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Crystal Water of the Holy Spirit
High quality, finely polished, faceted glass with AB coating, comes with bail for hanging
Spiritual Potential
- Delving into the pristine water of the Holy Spirit
- Drinking from the purest source
- Going with the flow of life; being in the flow
- Letting everything go and entrusting it to the flow of the Holy Spirit
- Optimal alignment of the chakras
- Integration and fusion of the chakra system; the Unified Chakra System
- Purity and purification, clarity, knowledge, revitalisation, refreshment of the Chakra Flowers
- The crystalline Light Body
- The crystalline Chakra System
The purest Crystal Light of God floods and permeates you; it re-awakens the memory of your divine origin: "Cells remember! Spirit remember! Soul remember! Remember you were created out of purest love and purest, divine Primordial Light." The pristine water of the Holy Spirit flows through you. You and your whole chakra system are perfectly aligned and unified. You are connected with the Holy Spirit and drink from the purest source: wisdom, knowledge, clarity, purity.